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premier innaguration




HELD ON 18 JUNE 2024




The KwaZulu-Natal Judge President, Your Honour Thoba Poyo-Dlwathi

The Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Honourable Nontembeko Boyce

The Deputy Speaker of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Honourable Mmabatho Tembe.

The Honourable Members of the KwaZulu-Natal Legislature

The Honourable Members of the NCOP

Former Premiers of our Province

Members of Diplomatic Corps

Members of the Zulu Royal Family present

The Royal Family of KwaPhindangene, led by Hon. Inkosi Zuzifa Buthelezi, MP

Hon. Chairperson of the KwaZulu-Natal House of Traditional Leaders, and all Amakhosi present

Traditional Premier of the Zulu Monarch and Nation

Leaders of the Various Political Parties Present

Your Worship the Mayors of KwaZulu-Natal Municipalities and all Councillors

Leaders of the Various Religious and Cultural Organisations

Leaders of the Business Sector

Leaders of Civil Society Formations

Leaders of Various Labour Formations

The Director-General of KwaZulu-Natal, Dr Nonhlanhla Mkhize

Heads of Department and all Government Officials

The SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Lt. General N Mkhwanazi and Deputy Commissioners

All the Residents of KwaZulu-Natal

Members of the Media

Ladies and Gentlemen,

This day will go down in history as a significant day, which will demonstrate that indeed, the power to determine or shape the future of our Province lies in the hands of the residents of this Province.

I say this because when May 29, 2024, was announced as the day for Provincial and National Elections, no political organisation or party ever resolved that it would campaign so that it could share the leadership of the Country and Provinces, with another political organisations.

Almost all organisations and parties entered the election campaign with one objective: to singlehandedly lead the Government of this country and of this Province.  

On the other hand, the men, women, and the youth of our Province, however had another objective – which was to ensure that no one organisation or party would receive enough votes to govern on its own. Our people have taught us that they in fact are our real bosses; and we are only their servants. 


Hence, this marks the beginning of a journey of power-sharing among parties in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal.

Having said this, I wish first-and-foremost, to thank all residents of this Province who dedicated their time and other resources on May 29, to ensure that they went to the polling stations to vote for parties of their choice.

We salute all of you for demonstrating the spirit of patriotism. In addition, I wish to sincerely thank the multitudes of our people who voted to ensure that the party I belong to, the Inkatha Freedom Party, plays a strategic role in this KwaZulu-Natal Legislature and Government of National Unity (GNU).

I also owe my deepest gratitude to the leadership of the IFP for deploying me to this position of Premier of this great Province. I salute too, those leaders of the African National Congress, the Democratic Alliance, and the National Freedom Party, that have joined hands with the IFP, towards achieving a Government of Provincial Unity (GPU).

In the same breath, as a Government of Provincial Unity (GPU), I wish to place on record that even those that were not part of this journey, will remain our patriots and co-leaders and we will respect them, in accordance with the wishes of those who elected us.

I wish to state for the record my appreciation to all Hon. Members of this Legislature who voted two female leaders to lead this Legislature. The Honourable Speaker Hon. Ms N. Boyce and Deputy Speaker, Hon. Ms M. Tembe respectively.

They were not elected simply because they are women. Rather, they assumed these positions because they are leaders in their own right and have shown their capabilities. We are reminded today of the words of the IFP’s Founder, HRH Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi who said, and I quote, “there is something special about women. Whenever they are given a task they perform it diligently.” 

Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, today marks a seminal moment in the life of our maturing democracy.

This Government I am honoured to lead, stands on the cusp of a new beginning.

Collectively, we will deliver on the hope and revival the people of this Province so desperately require. Today, we enter a pivotal new period or rebuilding our province that will require all of us to have clear minds, while displaying visionary and committed leadership.

I wish to assure you that we will always keep our promise that we are your servants, not your bosses. Please Trust Us.

Prior to entering the most important election our country has ever had since the dawn of our democracy, the Inkatha Freedom Party resolved to dedicate our election campaign to His Excellency, HRH Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi – the Traditional Prime Minister to the Zulu Monarch and Nation, and Founder and President Emeritus of the IFP. He became the face of our campaign. We took this resolution not just because he was the Founder of the IFP but because he had also laid the foundation for this great province of ours. uMntwana worked tirelessly to build the infrastructure that this Province enjoys today.

We intend to lead a Government based on the principles of Ubuntu-Botho. A Government that will ensure that service delivery is rolled out to all the people of this Province.

We will abide by uMntwana’s teaching that every cent of public money must go back to serve those who pay taxes. We wish to ensure you that, we will remain servants of our people, for 24 hours a day. Our people’s cries will be our cries. We will promote and support the work of traditional leadership, and at the same time, we will promote multiculturalism and multiracialism.  

One other fundamental principle that  uMntwana waKwaPhindangene taught us was that, since we opted to be part of the constitutional state, which South Africa is, we will always be committed to respecting the Constitution of our country and all institutions and structures provided by the constitution. We will honour promote, respect and emulate his teachings.

Henceforth, our Government, will focus on the values that unite us. We will always seek consensus among different parties in our Government.

We have promised that we will prioritise fighting crime and bringing stability to the Province. As a result, I have decided to place Community Safety and Liaison, in the Office of the Premier.

In terms of section 132, (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, the Premier is empowered to appoint members of the Executive for the Provincial Government.

I wish to announce that the following members have been appointed to my Cabinet:

  • Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs – Hon. Rev Musa Keith Zondi, MPL.
  • Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) – Hon. Rev Thulasizwe Dominic Buthelezi, MPL
  • Health – Hon. Ms Nomagugu Simelane, MPL
  • Social Development – Hon. Ms Mbali Cynthia Chinga, MPL
  • Public Works and Infrastructure – Hon. Mr Lukas Marthinus Meyer, MPL
  • Finance – Hon. Mr Francoise Adrianus Rodgers, MPL
  • Agriculture and Rural Development – Hon. Mrs Thembeni Petty kaMadlopha-Mthethwa, MPL
  • Transport and Human Settlements – Mr Siboniso Amstrong Duma, MPL
  • Education – Hon. Mr Siphosihle Emmanuel Hlomuka, MPL
  • Sports, Arts and Culture – Hon. Mr Mntomuhle Khawula, MPL

The members of my Executive will be sworn today. I expect them to hit the ground running in order to start with the mammoth task that lies ahead, of rebuilding the province of KwaZulu-Natal.

To the appointed members of the Executive, I appreciate that we come from different political homes, and we campaigned with different manifestos. However, now is the time to put the People of KwaZulu-Natal first. All of us are expected to serve with honesty, dignity and diligently. We must never betray the people of our province that voted for us. There will be a process that ensures that we monitor and evaluate the performance of every member of the Executive.

Compatriots, throughout this election campaign we have heard the cries of the people.

As the former Mayor of Nkandla, the former Mayor of the King Cethswayo District Municipality and the former Chairperson of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), I have spent many decades in service of the people. I understand that government must be close to the people. I understand that this Province must work for you. This Province must include you. Not exclude you.

I therefore pledge today in front of all of you, that the People of KwaZulu Natal will own this Government. This new Government belongs to you. We stand ready to serve you.

In conclusion, I wish to assure all our people, that we will be a Government that will promote sustainable dialogue. Wherein all public and private stakeholders including our partners in NGOs and NPOs, will enjoy unhindered access to us as their servants. We will respect all ideas and contributions that seek to promote and uplift our Province. 

As we officially begin this journey, and in front of the multitudes that are attending this ceremony today, and those who are virtually following these proceedings, I pledge to protect this Office. I will never betray the trust of those who deployed us here.

Together with my new Cabinet, I promise that we will work for you. We will deliver services, opportunities and ultimately, hope and prosperity. I ask the People of KwaZulu-Natal, to partner with us, as we start the process of rebuilding KwaZulu-Natal.

I thank you.


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