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DATE: 22 MAY 2023


Programme Director, Mr. Muzi Shange (COO)

Board Chairperson, Advocate B. Mbili,

Chairperson of the Social and Ethics Board Committee, Mr. Mbatha

RBIDZ Executive Committee Members,

RBIDZ Investors,

King Cetshwayo District Municipality - Deputy Municipal Manager – Ms. Zakithi Mbonane,

Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President, Ms. Mvubu, and Management,

University of Zululand Management,

Umfolozi TVET College Management,

RBIDZ Management and staff,

SMMEs and Beneficiaries,

Members of the Media present,

Ladies and Gentlemen


As I rise up this afternoon with the occasion coming to an end, I am motivated and encouraged by what has transpired throughout the day.

The occasion itself represents a foundation for the future we envisage, a future we want for our people and the generations to come.

Today is a testament of what we have been tasked to do by our government in prioritising inclusion and development of our society.

 In the main we are delegated by our Shareholder, KZN MEC for Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Mr. Siboniso Duma and our Board.

Programme Director, as I undertake my responsibility today; I wish to thank our Shareholder, MEC Duma for his support and firm articulation of where we should be as the company in terms of the economic transformation agenda and inclusion of our people in economic participation and wealth generation.

Exceptionally, I wish to acknowledge and extend my unwavering gratitude to our former Board Chairperson, Dr Sakhile Ngcobo who has left the baton and command to Advocate B. Mbili, who has just taken over the stewardship of leading the RBIDZ forward. We are grateful to have you Advocate.

Chairperson, your vision and wisdom has already been felt in various encounters we have had, as well as the strategic board sessions you are already leading that aim to drive our strategies and delivery commitments for this new year 2023 – 2024 that commenced in April.

Your strategic guidance and leadership is already affirming your declaration towards the purposeful and practical actions leading towards the growth of the company in terms of investment attraction and operationalisation as well as transformation and development of our society.

And as you have alluded, a prosperous country is the one that ensures the development of the society and integration of SMMEs to programmes that will make them part of the developing country.

To achieve prosperity, we are also committed to the translation of our mandate through attraction of domestic and foreign direct investment working collectively with our investors.

To  our Social and Ethics Board Committee Chairperson, Mr Mbatha your wisdom and counselling always prevails especially on matters of social responsibility and ethical governance. We cannot thank you enough for always advocating for the betterment of our communities through skilling, welfare and economic development for self-sustenance.

To our investors, your confidence and trust in us will make this region and the people of this province of KwaZulu-Natal a better place for all. We thank your commitment towards issues of localisation and job creation.

To our partners and key stakeholders in both Municipalities as well as the Zululand of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, our mandate is the same and It is to create conducive environment for businesses to thrive and change the lives of our people. We thank you for your support.

The Tertiary Institutions represented today, we thank you for committing to skills and putting emphasis on education as well as your willingness to partner with us in driving education and other skilling programmes.

To the RBIDZ Executive Committee Members, management and all categories of staff, we can only make this possible if we dedicate our concerted efforts towards the realisation of our mandate and driving programmes that will live a long-lasting legacy by the impact we would have made. From us a lot is expected.

To all SMMEs and beneficiaries present here today, we thank you for your willingness to walk this journey with us. It only takes commitment and willingness to change the status quo; and all that we can do is to support you moving forward towards this life changing opportunity.

To our Programme Director, Mr Shange – thank you for driving today’s programme immaculately and for being the driving force of our company operations.

Ladies and Gentlemen, honoured guests, members of the media, it has been our pleasure to share this day with you and we thank you for taking time to grace us with your presence.



The RBIDZ is a company made up of real people, with a real dedication, and passion to effect real change in South Africa. This commitment and energy is apparent in all the company dealings with all its stakeholders.

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